Results & Products

Planned results:

LINK will empower adult educators and organizations, by creating, testing, and disseminating an innovative pedagogical strategy that addresses critical thinking, active engagement in society, mindful democracy, and promotion of the EU values in later life among senior citizens.

We expect to improve the way adult educators and organizations (public and private) address digital media literacy and civic engagement among seniors and to create a strategy that can be replicated among Europe. Starting by impacting the five involved organizations, we want to test and to create guidelines that can be easily adapted to other contexts across EU as adult schools, senior residences and youth education.

In parallel, we expect to change the way senior citizens perceive social media and democracy, developing important skills like critical thinking and promoting their mindful participation. We will contribute to their social and digital inclusion, making them aware and identified with the EU common values. Finally, we will contribute to the change needed of the perception of society towards aging and value the role of older citizens in our communities and in our EU as they are also the future of Europe.